Friday, August 24, 2012

Job Search Tip of the Day: Smile

Smile!  No, really smile - like you mean it.

Have you ever been out somewhere and come across someone who you just thought to your self, "What a sad sack. I wonder what his problem is?"  I know I have.

There have also been those times that I have caught sight of my reflection unawares and was shocked to find all my troubles on my face. Or heard my own voice with the weight of the world dragging it down.

You have a lot to worry about if you are out of work.  That is a given.

However, you will do yourself a HUGE favor if you put on a smiley face!  Here's why:

People like to interact with happy people.  When you are out of work, you need all the positive interaction you can get.

Employers are impressed by people who can persevere.  You want to give the impression you can deal with anything - nothing is going to get you down.

Pretty is as pretty does.  Not right away, but eventually, you will feel happier if you act happier.  Part of the reason for this is that other people will react differently to you.

You will feel better.  When you use the muscles in your face it will change how your body actually feels - releasing endorphin an serotonin, that make you feel more relaxed and can even effect pain.

You will look younger.  Smiling lifts your face and makes you appear not only younger, but happy and healthy.

Whether it is in person or on the phone, you will just get further if you have a smile on your face!

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