Job Search Guide E-Book



Looking for a new job can be stressful even under the best of circumstances.  When you have experienced a life changing event, such as a downsizing or work related injury, job search can be especially challenging.  You are already experiencing a major life event which is compounded by the fact that there is little information and even fewer practical resources to help you…. Until Now!

This book will provide you with the basic information and resources that you need to get back to work after a work loss, injury or sudden disability of any sort. It combines information, worksheets for your use, and resources that you can use to get your life back.  Free online access to all exercises and resources and additional information is included.

If you are a career coach, vocational counselor or professional you will benefit from the third party validation provided as well as the resources, handouts, and exercises you can provide to your clients depending on their needs and where you are in your work with them.  

Perfect for dislocated workers who haven't had to job search recently, new grads, moms, retirees, and veterans returning to the workforce, injured and disabled workers or anyone who has not been on the job market in the last few years. Practical, step by step advice with handouts, exercises, and resources. 

EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT:  This concise yet comprehensive guide has just been submitted for publishing and is available at a discounted rate for a limited time.  It will be available in the next few months on Amazon for $21, But you can buy either the entire book ($15) or specific sections ($5).    Read Excerpt Below or download  a sample here.             



This book is a great tool for those who face the challenge of returning to the workforce, particularly after a life-changing injury. Career change can be a stressful time for anyone but for those who face the daunting task of overcoming physical barriers, the process can become overwhelming. This book provides assurance to those going through a similar situation and delivers a framework for the overall job search process. The author is very experienced and knowledgeable in this area and provides a simple guide for those who need a lot of instruction and guidance but also for those who are seeking some general advice. I would recommend this tool for anyone who faces the challenge of today's labor market and especially for those who will be overcoming new physical challenges.
Julie O, Vocational Counselor specializing in returning the unemployed to Work for 15 years

More Reviews and Recommendations:



This guide was developed for a job seeker to use on their own or with a vocational counselor, case manager or career coach.

 You may know some of what you need to be successful in your job search, but missing even a small element can negatively impact your ability to locate a job.  You are encouraged to read and discuss all of the sections to ensure that you have all of the information you need to mount a serious job search campaign.

The book is divided into four sections that can easily be completed in four days or four weeks, depending on the needs of the reader.

Areas are provided for you to jot notes, thoughts and questions (see Note/Thoughts below).  Similarly, Questions with lines for writing answers are also provided throughout. Worksheets and handouts are listed at the end of this book under Downloads and Links on-line. Please use this guide to work with your vocational expert or mentor.  If you don’t have a vocational or career expert or mentor – consider getting one!

Please email me for assistance or to provide feedback or suggestions:  Thanks for downloading this book, either by section or in its entirety.  Additional resources are available online at or

My website is www.Life-Works.Info.           



     Even if you are currently employed you will likely benefit from the material covered in this section, especially if considering a job or career change.  When you are out of work it affects your life and also your loved ones, friends and past employer and/or coworkers.  Not only do you not know what to do or where to turn, but chances are good that those around you don't either. Share this information with them so they can better support you!

     You are most likely a hard worker who wants nothing but to get back to work.  You may have been in the same job for a long time.  You may fear or have already been told that you will not be able to return to work in the same position. Ever.  What can you do?  What should you do?

     Fear is often at the core of most unexpected change and an unexpected work injury is no different.  During the initial phases of an injury medical treatment and your job security may be unclear.  The more you can do to clarify your situation, the better you can plan your next steps.

     So, what should you do if you have been laid off?

·       Stay in constant communication with your employer - it is important that they understand that you want to come back to work as quickly as possible.
·       Arrange all documents you receive in a folder in order of least to most recent.
·       Keep a journal of all conversations and events - include dates, times,
location, expenses, mileage, a summary of what was said or done.
·       Ask questions and take notes of the answers - write the questions or concerns down as they come to you; you won't remember them at your next meeting.
·          Take stock of the resources you do have - including your support system; make a list of resources you may still need.
·       If you have been injured, understand your state's Workers' Compensation Laws.

Do you need an attorney?  A good attorney can help in almost any circumstance and most do not charge for an initial consult - in most jurisdictions attorneys are
paid on contingency (meaning only if you win your case), or from the funds that they are able to get for you.
Another emotion that often enters into the picture when someone is unemployed is grief.  Grief over the loss of:

       Acknowledging and labeling these feelings goes a long way toward being able to discuss and work through them.  It can be a great relief just to have someone say “I hear you.” or “I know exactly what you are saying” or “You have been through a lot.”  Just the validation of what you are feeling from another person can help so much.   What else can you do?  Grief often progresses through stages - not always in the same way, order, or time frames.  However, you may find the following helpful.  Revisit the next section periodically to assess how you are doing and to remind yourself of coping strategies!

       Acknowledging and labeling these feelings goes a long way toward being able to discuss and work through them.  It can be a great relief just to have someone say “I hear you.” or “I know exactly what you are saying” or “You have been through a lot.”  Just the validation of what you are feeling from another person can help so much.   What else can you do?  Grief often progresses through stages - not always in the same way, order, or time frames.  However, you may find the following helpful.  Revisit the next section periodically to assess how you are doing and to remind yourself of coping strategies!


Job Search for the Rest of Us (job search how to guide)
Mary Sherwood Sevinsky, MS, CDMS, CCM

Perfect for dislocated workers who haven't had to job search recently, new grads, moms, retirees, and veterans returning to the workforce, injured and disabled workers or anyone who has not been on the job market in the last few years. Practical, step by step advice with handouts, exercises, and resources. 

EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT:  This concise yet comprehensive guide has just been submitted for publishing and is available at a discounted rate for a limited time.  It will be available in the next few months on Amazon for $21, But you can buy either the entire book ($15) or specific sections ($5).    Read Excerpt Below or download  a sample here.                                                                                



     Calendar Exercise. 22
     Workspace Exercise. 23
     Email Exercise. 24
     Phone Exercise. 25
     Job Search Checklist 26
     Completing Applications Worksheet 30
     Functional Résumé. 35
     Chronological Résumé
     General Résumé Tips. 45
     Résumé Background Exercise. 46
     Elevator Pitch Exercise. 48
     Cover Letter Exercise. 56
     Sample Reference List 59
     Write A Letter Of Reference Guide For Your References To Consult 61
     Reference Exercise. 63
     Defining Your Limits Exercise. 65
     Define Your Job Targets Exercise. 68
     Networking Exercise. 71
     Find And Prioritize Job Search Sites On The Internet 77
     Job Search Exercise. 78
     Additional Tips For Professionals such as sales or management: 79
     Organize Your Job Search Resource. 80
     Job Search Schedule Resource. 80
     Internet Sites For Job Search Resource. 81
     Ongoing Job Search. 82
     The Hidden Job Market 83
     Follow up EVERY Application/ Résumé Submission. 86
     Please Contact me to let me know you got the job! 99

Job Search for the Rest of Us (job search how to guide)


Mary Sherwood Sevinsky, MS, CDMS, CCM

Perfect for dislocated workers who haven't had to job search recently, new grads, moms, retirees, and veterans returning to the workforce, injured and disabled workers or anyone who has not been on the job market in the last few years. Practical, step by step advice with handouts, exercises, and resources. 

EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT:  This concise yet comprehensive guide has just been submitted for publishing and is available at a discounted rate for a limited time.  It will be available in the next few months on Amazon for $21, But you can buy either the entire book ($15) or specific sections ($5).    Read Excerpt Below or download  a sample here.                                                                  



                             DOWNLOAD NOW

Job Search for the Rest of Us (job search how to guide)

Mary Sherwood Sevinsky, MS, CDMS, CCM

This book is a great tool for those who face the challenge of returning to the workforce, particularly after a life-changing injury. Career change can be a stressful time for anyone but for those who face the daunting task of overcoming physical barriers, the process can become overwhelming. This book provides assurance to those going through a similar situation and delivers a framework for the overall job search process. The author is very experienced and knowledgeable in this area and provides a simple guide for those who need a lot of instruction and guidance but also for those who are seeking some general advice. I would recommend this tool for anyone who faces the challenge of today's labor market and especially for those who will be overcoming new physical challenges.

Julie O, Vocational Counselor specializing in returning the unemployed to Work for 15 years

Additional Testimonials



This guide was developed for a job seeker to use on their own or with a vocational counselor, case manager or career coach. 

You may know some of what you need to be successful in your job search, but missing even a small element can negatively impact your ability to locate a job.  You are encouraged to read and discuss all of the sections to ensure that you have all of the information you need to mount a serious job search campaign.

The book of over 115 pages is divided into four sections that can easily be completed in four days or four weeks, depending on the needs of the reader.

Areas are provided for you to jot notes, thoughts and questions (see Note/Thoughts below).  Similarly, Questions with lines for writing answers are also provided throughout. Worksheets and handouts are listed at the end of this book under Downloads and Links on-line. Please use this guide to work with your vocational expert or mentor.  If you don’t have a vocational or career expert or mentor – consider getting one!

Please email me for assistance or to provide feedback or suggestions:  Thanks for downloading this book, either by section or in its entirety.  Additional resources are available online at or


Job Search for the Rest of Us (job search how to guide)


Mary Sherwood Sevinsky, MS, CDMS, CCM

Perfect for dislocated workers who haven't had to job search recently, new grads, moms, retirees, and veterans returning to the workforce, injured and disabled workers or anyone who has not been on the job market in the last few years. Practical, step by step advice with handouts, exercises, and resources. 

EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT:  This concise yet comprehensive guide has just been submitted for publishing and is available at a discounted rate for a limited time.  It will be available in the next few months on Amazon for $21, But you can buy either the entire book ($15) or specific sections ($5).   Download Download a sample here.                                          

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