Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Toot your own horn to get ahead in your career

Toot your own horn to get ahead in your career Dec 8, 2014 64Views 1Like 0CommentsShare on LinkedInShare on FacebookShare on Google PlusShare on Twitter So often when I work with clients I find that one of the most difficult things I ask them to do is to think about what makes them stand out from other candidates. The questions and answers may be slightly different depending upon if we are working on a resume, LinkedIn profile, interview preparation, or
career planning.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Make it a Giving Holiday with an E-Gift Card for Career Services

Do you have a friend, relative, or loved one who is out of work, under-employed, or just plain miserable at work?
Give them a gift that will really mean something and get the new year started out on the right foot…

Visit us on Facebook...
Post by Professional, Rehab, and Occupational Services.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Many of our DelMarVa neighbors come here as a part of a retirement plan, but may not have much of a plan at all.  Dreams of enjoying life near the beach or in more rural areas may have been dampened by the unexpected expense of actually living here full time.  Or, worse, by boredom!

Many of my 55+ clients are bored and miss the social aspects of working. However, there are not a lot of jobs out there and the ones that are available are quickly snapped up.

Read More

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

JUST SAY NO!: Address on your resume, that is...

  1. Adds value to the resume
  2. Is meaningful to the reader
  3. Adds to the message you want to send

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Practical tips for getting started using LinkedIn

 LinkedIn can seem mysterious or even  daunting when you first start using it - there are a lot of features that you can use to your benefit.  But, if you have just created your profile or  are revisiting LinkedIn after initially setting up a profile you never revisited, you may be thinking what now?  (If you need help creating or optimizing your LinkedIn account, let me know!)

 To get started you don't need to use every feature or spend hours everyday on LinkedIn. A few minutes each day will result in staying more current and more connected without too much trouble  Here is some basic info on how to use LinkedIn:

To benefit from LinkedIn you will really need to start being more active and share information frequently – even if it is just sharing something someone else posts.  I always make sure to post lots of stuff my clients can share with their “connections” just to stay on their radar; it also helps attract new contacts as they find you via your similar posts.

For example,
you might share an article on career management from me to one
of your connections, who in turn may share it
That second  person may be someone who 
has an interest in managing his or her career
and would like to do business with you
but only found you via me, who has nothing to do with your industry!

More here:

Take Care and Talk to You Soon!
Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Occupational Consultant Phone 302.644.1827
Mobile:  410.444.1989                                                     

Let’s Connect:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Mary Sherwood Selected as Community Partner at next Delegate Sponsored Job Fair

Thank you Delegates for allowing me the opportunity to contribute career education and resume review!

Wilmington, Del. – To take advantage of the nation’s continuing economic recovery and to assist local businesses in helping them find employees, U.S. Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons, and U.S. Representative John Carney announced today, in partnership with Brandywine Counseling and Community Services, they will host a job fair on Friday, September 5 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Delaware Technical & Community College Wilmington campus (333 N. Shipley Street Wilmington, Delaware 19801).

A day prior to the job fair, the delegation will host a job skills workshop from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Wilmington Library (10 East 10th Street). The sessions will cover resume building, interview skills and dressing for success. There will also be a room arranged like a job fair for participants to get a feel for how a job fair works. Community partners who are hosting the seminars include Career Team, Mary Sherwood and One Village Alliance.  Read More

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

Interview Soft Skills: What no one tells you

Rather view the video? Click here.
If you are looking for work, you no doubt have read many articles about how to interview, how to answer interview questions, and what not to do in an interview.  These are the nuts and bolts of what you need to know to be successful in an interview, to be sure!

But, what is not so often discussed, written about, or even thought of is what I think of as “Interview Soft Skills.”  These are the skills that you and others may assume you already have or no about.  Many of the clients I work with, though don’t.

If you haven’t interviewed in a while or have never interviewed (believe it or not I have some clients who have been lucky enough to glide through several jobs without a formal interview), you will certainly want to review these soft skills and make sure you are on point for your next interview.

Hopefully it isn’t tomorrow.  The time to be preparing for an interview is well before you are scheduled for one.  If you want to nail your interview then you start preparing for the interview when you start looking for a job!

Here are some of the soft skills you need to be hired after your next interview. Links to full article to read more on are included:

Preparing for an interview is not enough – you really need to over prepare. Interview Tip #1.
Take notes and plan ahead for taking notes during the interview Tip #2.
Have appropriate, comfortable clothes to wear Interview Tip #3.
Interview Tip #4 stresses the importance of visiting the location the day before.
 Tip #5 is relax – you just can’t cram for an interview.
During an interview it is important to breathe – to avoid saying um and to calm your nerves Tip # 6.
Tip #7 Strike a pose  gives tips for managing awkward moments or long pauses.
Smile! To put the interviewer at ease and to come across as pleasant Tip #8. 
Tip #9 -  Ask questions to lay the groundwork for a conversational interview.
Watch your body language Tip #10.

Videos corresponding to each tip can be found on and Slide Share.
Good Luck!
Here is a list of resources for possible interview questions and other resources:

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Interviewing Soft Skills: The very basics of interviewing

Many experts talk about how to answer interview questions and, a few, how to dress or write a thank you note.  But, if you haven't interviewed for a while (or ever), you may want to make sure you have the very basics of interviewing - Interview Soft Skills.

Here is a series of articles I wrote for  Corresponding videos are available on Youtube.  Practice - really over-preparing (see Interview Tip #1),  Prepare your notes (Tip #2), Have appropriate, comfortable clothes to wear (see Interview Tip #3), Interview Tip #4 shared the importance of visiting the location the day before, and Tip #5, was to relax. They all addressed preparation and tips for before the interview.  Tip # 6 (Breathe), Tip #7 Strike a pose Tip #8 Smile Tip #9 -  Ask Questions and Interview Tip #10 (Watch your body language) deal with that nerve racking During-The-Interview period.

I hope you are preparing for an upcoming interview and find this information helpful.  If you need help, just let me know!  Email me. Good Luck!

Here is a list of resources for possible interview questions and other resources:

Articles in my blog
Articles on the Web

Mary Sherwood Sevinsky

Mary is a CAREER AND OCCUPATIONAL CONSULTANT who is masters-prepared and certified. She is a business owner with nearly 20 years of experience in Corporate Management, Career Assessment & Counseling and in writing Career Articles and Educational Materials.

She has worked as a CORPORATE MANAGER experienced in hiring, firing and managing a staff of professionals with a multimillion dollar budget. She enjoys WRITING AND EDITING and has spent many years developing Marketing Materials and Presentations, Writing Proposals and Plans, and Conducting Staff Development Sessions in addition to working as a vocational consultant. Learn more about Mary and her services:

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Delaware Congressional Delegation Job Fair

Thursday September 4th
Job Skills Training Workshops
Wilmington Library
***The purpose of the workshop is to provide job seekers with information on interviewing, dressing for success, and resume building in preparation for Friday’s job fair.

Friday September 5th
Congressional Delegation Job Fair
Delaware Technical and Community College, Wilmington

U.S. Senator Christopher A. Coons
1105 N. Market Street Suite 100|Wilmington, DE 19801
See the latest at

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Learn or Burn

For years, I and a select few of my colleagues, have wondered, debated and discussed why some professionals seek out educational opportunities inside and outside their organization and others just don't. 

Mary is a CAREER AND OCCUPATIONAL CONSULTANT who is masters-prepared and certified. She is a business owner with nearly 20 years of experience in Corporate Management, Career Assessment & Counseling and in writing Career Articles and Educational Materials.

She has worked as a CORPORATE MANAGER experienced in hiring, firing and managing a staff of professionals with a multimillion dollar budget. She enjoys WRITING AND EDITING and has spent many years developing Marketing Materials and Presentations, Writing Proposals and Plans, and Conducting Staff Development Sessions in addition to working as a vocational consultant. Learn more about Mary and her services:

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Job Rejection - what can you do to get over it?

When you are sitting home alone, unemployed, it is easy to lose perspective and confidence.  Like the miner below, you might be tempted to throw up your hands and just give up.  Here are some great tips for recovering your confidence and momentum for your successful job search

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Occupational Consultant Phone 302.644.1827
Mobile:  410.444.1989                                                      

Let’s Connect:

Ask an Expert - Visit my Virtual Office at LivePerson

Monday, July 7, 2014

What's holding you back from taking risk?

You Fear Hearing: You Suck. Here’s Why it's Holding You Back

Think about it. You may be allowing this single, powerful thought to keep you from “putting yourself out there.” Are you?
For you, “putting yourself out there” or “sticking your neck out” might mean:

Monday, June 9, 2014

My Dad Taught Me to Drive My Career

Mary Sherwood Sevinsky

Author: Xposeld
I don’t think it would shock my father to find that I am probably not much better a driver today than when he taught me to drive: First on a conversion van with “three on the tree,” then our huge woodsided station wagon. It started when I was fifteen. At the time we lived in North Dakota and the age for a learners permit was lowered so that the farm kids could drive the family truck and work on the family farm.  
Read More....

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

This client made my day

What a nice note from a recent client!  

"Mary you've made all the difference in my world! You've been invaluable to me, honestly. And you made me look interesting without being JUST a caregiver. I'm overjoyed !!!"

A little background:  This nice lady contacted me a few months ago for help with her resume, but decided to go with another expert.  She emailed me last week for advice as she was not comfortable with the work the other expert did for her.  The "final" resume made her seem more like a hospital administrator than the patient care provider she is.  

When writing a resume you must be accurate - the job seeker will potentially have to answer to or give examples of each statement included.  It is also important to keep a client's essence or personality when developing a resume to avoid it coming off as canned or templated. 

This note made my day.  I hope you have a good one too! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

CAREEREALISM's Happy Grad Project

Thrilled to have my article "What My First Client Taught Me About Career Happiness" on the first day of a month long HAPPY GRAD PROJECT!  If you are a new grad this year or love one make sure to check out the advice, tips, and resources offered through CAREEREALISM - start with my article ensure a great start. Read more

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Job Search Guide - Why You’re a Boring Candidate Radio Interview

by Mary Sherwood Sevinsky and Tim Muma  Thursday, April 10, 2014

I was recently interviewed by Tim Muma  on The Jobs Network.  The show is now up on their site and on iTunes. Below is a link to the episode page on their website, which I encourage you to share on any websites
and social media you use.

To find it on iTunes, just search the iTunes Store for “LJNRadio: Job Search Guide” and click on the artwork. It’s number two on the list as of right now. Why You're a boring Candidate Radio Interview on ITunes 

Job Search Guide E-Book



Looking for a new job can be stressful even under the best of circumstances.  When you have experienced a life changing event, such as a downsizing or work related injury, job search can be especially challenging.  You are already experiencing a major life event which is compounded by the fact that there is little information and even fewer practical resources to help you…. Until Now!

This book will provide you with the basic information and resources that you need to get back to work after a work loss, injury or sudden disability of any sort. It combines information, worksheets for your use, and resources that you can use to get your life back.  Free online access to all exercises and resources and additional information is included.

If you are a career coach, vocational counselor or professional you will benefit from the third party validation provided as well as the resources, handouts, and exercises you can provide to your clients depending on their needs and where you are in your work with them.

Perfect for dislocated workers who haven't had to job search recently, new grads, moms, retirees, and veterans returning to the workforce, injured and disabled workers or anyone who has not been on the job market in the last few years. Practical, step by step advice with handouts, exercises, and resources. 

EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT:  This concise yet comprehensive guide has just been submitted for publishing and is available at a discounted rate for a limited time.  It will be available in the next few months on Amazon for $21, But you can buy either the entire book ($15) or specific sections ($5).    Read Excerpt Below.                                                   
Your Order Delivered via Email


This book is a great tool for those who face the challenge of returning to the workforce, particularly after a life-changing injury. Career change can be a stressful time for anyone but for those who face the daunting task of overcoming physical barriers, the process can become overwhelming. This book provides assurance to those going through a similar situation and delivers a framework for the overall job search process. The author is very experienced and knowledgeable in this area and provides a simple guide for those who need a lot of instruction and guidance but also for those who are seeking some general advice. I would recommend this tool for anyone who faces the challenge of today's labor market and especially for those who will be overcoming new physical challenges.
Julie O, Vocational Counselor specializing in returning the unemployed to Work for 15 years

More Reviews and Recommendations:



This guide was developed for a job seeker to use on their own or with a vocational counselor, case manager or career coach. Read more:

Job Search for the Rest of Us!: Job Search Guide E-Book: JOB SEARCH FOR THE REST OF US INTERACTIVE GUIDE FOR JOB SEEKERS AND CAREER CHANGERS Looking for a new job can be stress...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A $350 Flounder, the Boston Marathon, and Other Good Things

So happy to be back at my desk after a longer than expected trip out of town!  As is often the case, not every part of our vacation went smoothly.  In the end, everything worked out fine, if only after a bit of rocky road...

At one point our decision was between springing $17 for a surf fishing license or paying for a seat on a fishing boat with an experienced fisherman.  We opted for the "sure thing" as we were unfamiliar with fishing in that area.  

As luck would have it, it was the worst day the captain had ever had fishing.  We might have chalked this up as a fish tale if several people hadn't limited out just two days before with the same boat captain.  We caught a very respectable flounder, which we catch at our own home this time of year.  As you probably guessed, we spent over $350 on that fishing trip, including the hotel or pizza we ordered for dinner.


We had wacky weather - rain, wind, clouds and cold, especially for Florida.  But, we had warm clothes packed.  We had our hearts set on frog legs, but didn't end up with them.  We missed our plane home and had to stay overnight in another hotel and rent yet another car, reschedule our Monday workday, and eat food we never would at home.

But, we had a great time the last few days seeing familiar relatives and meeting "new" ones.  We flew home yesterday, seated behind a family with young kids who had just come from Disney world who were eating Easter candy.  


While in the air over 30,000 men and women finished the BOSTON MARATHON - unbelievable! So many dedicated and brave people worked hard over the last year to be BOSTON STRONG.  One young woman, who lost her leg in last year's bombing had recovered enough to join in for the last half mile - others "took back" the finish they didn't have last year. 

For me, things usually look mostly rosey - the glass typically half full.  But, it is hard to keep perspective sometimes when we are in the midst of our own problems.  If you are struggling look around.  It is likely that there is someone nearby to remind you that our problems will pass as they always do and we will somehow be better for it. 


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Job Search is Sales. Sell yourself to get hired

By Mary Sherwood Sevinsky
Looking for work when you don't have a job can be incredibly lonely and unrewarding. Many employers don't send acknowledgement notices via mail, email, fax or phone like they did in the good ole days.  Read More Here
Mary is a CAREER AND OCCUPATIONAL CONSULTANT who is masters-prepared and certified. She is a business owner with nearly 20 years of experience in Corporate Management, Career Assessment & Counseling and in writing Career Articles and Educational Materials.

She has worked as a CORPORATE MANAGER experienced in hiring, firing and managing a staff of professionals with a multi-million dollar budget. She enjoys WRITING AND EDITING and has spent many years developing Marketing Materials and Presentations, Writing Proposals and Plans, and Conducting Staff Development Sessions in addition to working as a vocational consultant. Learn more about Mary and her services:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Walking - Back on Track!

It felt good to get out walking today - it feels like it is finally spring!  Here is a little clip of my walk on give it 100:

Monday, March 31, 2014

Trade Secrets: The Best Vocational Schools

Could Vocational Training be for you? Something to consider!

Trade Secrets: The Best Vocational Schools

Why You're A Boring Job Applicant | CAREEREALISM

Tips to jazz up your job search ....

Why You're A Boring Job Applicant | CAREEREALISM

Mary Sherwood Sevinsky

Mary is a CAREER AND OCCUPATIONAL CONSULTANT who is masters-prepared and certified. She is a sole-proprietor with nearly 20 years of experience in Management, Career Assessment & Counseling and in writing Career Articles and Educational Materials. 

She has worked as a CORPORATE MANAGER experienced in hiring, firing and managing a staff of professionals with a multi-million dollar budget. She enjoys WRITING AND EDITING and has spent many years developing Marketing Materials and Presentations, Writing Proposals and Plans, and Conducting Staff Development Sessions in addition to working as a vocational consultant. Learn more about her and her services:


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Garden From Garbage
From Black Thumb Gardener
.... My new project! Unbelievable - My daughter, Hope sent me a link about a story sharing how you can grow food from kitchen scraps.  There are a number of articles online about this and all seem relatively simple.  

I read a number of them (click here for the whole list), but liked the one from Black Thumb Gardener as it listed 17 foods you can grow from scraps. Directions included.

Start with a list of produce you use a lot and read about how to grow those to start.  Supplies are simple:  Jars or pots, water, dirt, pebbles, and toothpicks is about as complicated as it gets.  I am feeling confident.

Personally, I am starting with onions, lettuce and celery since I have those on hand now. We also use them regularly, so it would be nice to have a bunch on hand.  Look for more about how this project progresses - I can wait to see!

What will you start with? 

Let me know!

Mary is a CAREER AND OCCUPATIONAL CONSULTANT who is masters - prepared and certified. She has nearly 20 years of experience in Management, Career Assessment & Counseling and in writing Career Articles and Educational Materials. Besides several blogs, Mary also writes career related articles for and

She has worked as a CORPORATE MANAGER experienced in hiring, firing and managing a staff of professionals with a multimillion dollar budget. She enjoys WRITING AND EDITING and has spent many years developing Marketing Materials and Presentations, Writing Proposals and Plans, and Conducting Staff Development Sessions in addition to working as a vocational consultant. Learn more about her and her services: www.Life-Works.Info

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