Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Use LinkedIn to Network for a New Job

Clients often ask "How do I use LinkedIn to find a job?"  Typically they have spent time on their profile, but can barely remember their login (if at all) and/or password.  In shorts, they "Set it and forget it." The next question they ask why they are  not getting any "hits."

I ask these quick questions to get them started in the right direction:

1. What are you trying to accomplish on LinkedIn? Enhancing your professional knowledge and/or creds? Networking to see what might be out there/meet new people?  Finding a job? Selling a service (whether you are employed or self-employed).  Other?  Only you can decide!

2. Closely related to number one: Identify your target audience - who are you trying to connect with? Employers? Colleagues? Customers?

Once you have answered thee questions, follow a few simple tips:

1. Develop a plan for connecting with those you have identified as being beneficial to your overall goal.  You will want to take advantage of:

  •      Status Updates
  •      Mentions
  •      Groups
  •      Polls
  •      Questions and answers

2. Stay active on LinkedIn!  Share something interesting to you every day, even if it doesn't relate directly to your industry.  Read what others are sharing and posting. Follower an "Influencer" or a few.

Weekly, comment on a group or contribute yourself; write a status update that is positive and work-related; review your profile; review your connections.

3. Set up and save a job search - have an email sent to you daily.
I think this is a good idea for anyone, even if you are not seriously looking for work.  Keep up with what is out there being offered by other employers to other employees.

4. Set aside time each day to explore and share - LinkedIn can be a powerful tool, but only if you use it!

5.  Connect!  Let LinkedIn access your email account and get you started - it is easy and safe!  Then pay attention when you get notifications about people you may know.

I'd love to hear from you! Comment below...

Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Professional, Rehab, &; Occupational Services, LLC
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile: 410.444.1989 | Skype Mary E. Sherwood

Read another great article: job search tip - map out your ideal day 

Let me know how you are doing or how I can help! 

Comment below or reach out.

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