Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday Thought October 18, 2012


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Whether it is deciding to use an Objective versus Profile Statement, formatting a unique and individual résumé for yourself, or setting a career goal, it is crucial that you know yourself and what you want.

Take a step back from your job search and think about what you do or have done well.  When have you succeeded most?  What have you or do you enjoy most?  What is something you need to work on?  Or, something that you struggle with?

Answering these questions will start you on a forward path that will land you closer to where you want to be (even if you don’t quite yet know where that is)!  It may be difficult to sort through if you have had a lot of (or very few) experiences.  But it is well worth the time and effort.


If you approach it logically and take a few simple steps you can quickly sort through your experiences to assess you and your unique situation better. Start by making a couple of lists, one per sheet of paper:

1.      What are your successes? Write down anything, even personal, that you have done that you feel proud or happy about.
2.    What have you enjoyed most?  Write down anything that made you happy while you were doing it.  It may be a work setting, a task, or event, etc.
3.    What are some of your weaknesses or something you really have to work on? Again, it can be work or personal.
4.    What is something that you have been asked to do that you are just plain not good at? This may be a bit painful.

Once you have your lists, look at the first two side by side.  Do any patterns or themes emerge?  Jot these on a separate piece of paper.  Also add any salient successes or happy moments.  Repeat with numbers three and four.  You should end up with two sheets of paper – one with positives and one with negatives.

By reviewing these final two lists you should begin to get a clearer picture of what you are looking for and what you might want to avoid in a career or career path.

Knowledge is power- Sir Francis Bacon, Religious Meditations, Of Heresies, 1597


Once you know yourself and what you want, you will better be able to communicate this to others so they can help you.  Or hire you! 

So often job seekers try to skip this step and apply for any job they might remotely qualify for.  Don’t be tempted to do so. 

Sooner or later you will be put on the spot about your strengths and weaknesses at the very least.  An employer is going to look to you to answer the question, “Why should we hire you?”   How will you answer the question?

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