Change can be both exciting and scary - something to look forward to or dread. How you view it makes all the difference in the world.
If you have lost your job and are looking for work you may find yourself feeling forced to make a career change. Typically this is not met with a positive attitude. You likely loved your job, did it well, and planned to continue performing as long as you could. It was known and comfortable.
When you are forced to make a change, it may be difficult to find the proverbial silver lining. That having been said, there are some positive things that may come from changing careers (forced or otherwise!)
1. This may be the first time you have been able to consider what YOU would LIKE TO DO. Chances are you got your first job by chance, maybe through a relative or friend. You may have changed employers or jobs as other opportunities presented themselves. But in all likelihood, you didn't plan your current career path. Now you can take the time to consider an plan a new path - you never know, you may find another job or career that you will like just as well.
2. Making one change often prompts you to examine other aspects of your life. What other things have you not really given thought to? Paid attention to? Ignored? This might be an opportunity to improve other parts of yourself or life as well.
3. Making a change can keep your mind alert. Often, when you do the same things the same ways, your mind fills in the blanks easily. Your mind isn't challenged and pushed to perform at its best. Neither are you! Try to think about different things or the same things differently.
4. Change can rejuvenate your relationships. If you have been looking for work for what seems an eternity your relationships may be suffering for it. Think about those around you - loved ones and close friends. How can you change your interactions for the better?
5. Ask yourself how you deal with change. Is your approach helping or hurting? How can you modify your approach to benefit yourself and those around you?
6. Understanding that you control how you handle change can really help you deal with it. Try to focus on the things you can control and face the change before you with a positive mindset if you want to make the most of it.
How do you handle change?
I'd love to hear from you! Comment below...
Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Professional, Rehab, &; Occupational Services, LLC
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile: 410.444.1989 | Skype Mary E. Sherwood
Let me know how you are doing or how I can help!
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