Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Five fingers of job search - 5 ways to get a job

Recently when explaining to a client that it was important to vary his approach to finding and applying to jobs, I stumbled upon the Five Fingers of Job Search. In general, you are going to have the best results by spreading out your “hand” and tapping into more jobs. Certainly other ways to get a job, but if you follow these recommendations, you are bound to be successful.
To find the most jobs, you will want your fingers to spread over the following job search resources....  Read more:  Injured Worker Help Desk: Monday Mission May 29, 2012

Other articles that may be of interest:

Jul 16, 2012
Recently, when explaining to a client that it was important to vary his approach to finding and applying to jobs, I stumbled upon the “Five Fingers of Job Search.” In general, you are going to have the best results by spreading ...

Sep 10, 2013
When you are job searching and preparing for interviews, it can be helpful to secure Letters of Reference from prior employers. If possible, obtain one from each supervisor. If not, one can be a coworker, preferably in a higher .
Aug 21, 2013
In addition to reading something about your industry I also recommend that you read about job searching or career planning. If you are unemployed, set aside an hour a day for reading career planning or industry related .
Jul 29, 2013
Job searching - are you varying your sources and approaches? Follow up - are you doing your research and following up on your applications? Interviewing - are you practicing? Preparing questions to ask? Sending thank ...
Mar 04, 2013
Don't forget to touch base with your career expert as needed and check jobs through the job service and staffing agencies AT LEAST weekly. Often these agencies have at least a few listings that are not advertised elsewhere.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Injured Worker Help Desk: Monday Mission May 21, 2012

Injured Worker Help Desk: Monday Mission May 21, 2012: There is really no way to talk about the hidden job market too much – it is the ONE place where a job seeker can be considered for a job wit...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Who will pluck the chickens?

By Mary Sherwood Sevinsky

Like many folks, I listen to talk radio to keep abreast of 
local news and issues.  Not long ago, a listener called
to weigh in on a favorite local issue:  Illegal immigration. 
This is not how most callers refer to the issue –
usually it is the Aliens (Martians perhaps?) or the 
Illegals that are referenced.  I am pretty sure by the 
emphasis used on either word that they are capitalized, 
bolded, italicized, and underlined in the minds of the 
people calling.

But, I digress!  One caller debating the relative merits,
even the necessity, of those in our country who are 
working (not necessarily legally able to do so) emphatically asked, “Who will pluck the chickens?!” A valid, frequently asked question here on The Delmarva….

Related to this issue are the 99 percenters.  I have been tempted just to send 
them a note and tell them “Get a job!”  It’s not that easy, I know. However, it is easier 
to obtain a job, pay off your debts and put food on the table if you are not camping 
illegally on public property for weeks on end. 

I don’t write about political issues, nor do I even comment or reply to any.  This article 
is not about political issues or concerns, but about Jobs.  Jobs people are or 
are not willing to do here, there, or anywhere.

Before getting to the topic at hand let me also note that a family member mentioned a friend 
was not able to get a job as a teacher.  I thought anyone could get a job as a teacher 
once they obtained their degree?  No, she said,her friend has been looking and looking and 
cannot find a job!  Where has she been looking? A very small town in Pennsylvania and MUST 
have very specific hours and days off…. Ah, is that all?

As a vocational consultant, I deal with these concerns from clients almost daily:
1.    Desire to work or no real desire to work
2.    Factors favoring ability to obtain work and those hindering ability to obtain work

Everyone has their limits and individual circumstances, to be sure.  I wouldn’t presume to discount them.  BUT, there are jobs out there.  If not an ideal position or one in the best location, there jobs available in other fields or locales.… Someone has to pluck the chickens after all!

If you do need to work then you may, considering the current labor market, need to reflect on how you think about employment.  If you do need to work, you may:

1.    Not be able to work in your chosen field or industry right now. 
2.    Have to consider relocating.
3.  Take a lower paying job ($10.00 per hour is better than $0.00)
4.  Have to hold more than one job.
5.    Not like any of the above.

Other articles that may be of interest:

4 hours ago
Sometimes you need to "fake it til you make it," as the saying goes. In order to break the negative cycle, you might need to go through the motions of being positive or appearing happy. Not convinced? Get up right now and go ...
3 hours ago
Information and Resources for those looking for work as well as those needing to make or manage a career plan. ... This may be the first time you have been able to consider what YOU would LIKE TO DO. Chances are you got ...
Aug 31, 2012
Focus on where you are, who you are with and what you are doing as you do it - make sure not to let your mind stray to anything related to job search, employment, career planning, etc. Enjoy the rest of your day and have a ...
Aug 30, 2012
Next, what do you want? If it is like most of the clients I work with the answer is to RETURN TO WORK. The very next step then is to figure out what YOU CAN DO (physically, mentally, in terms of your skills, anything you can ...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

VACATION Vocations? How to Live & Work in a Resort Area

By CAREEREALISM-Approved Expert, Mary Sherwood Sevinsky, MS, CDMS, CCM
Who hasn’t gone on vacation to mourn leaving and say, “I wish I could live here…let’s not go back!” Well, as my husband would say that is unemployment, not vacation. A valid point, I think.
That having been said if you do have a regular vacation site and do have a sincere desire to relocate to that area, it is possible.
How? Keep in mind that resort areas have a very specialized economy. There are limited job opportunities for many traditional career paths, other than hospitality and amusement. There are, however, very definite niches and opportunities for self-employment.
The trick, of course is to identify a way to move to the beach, or maybe you prefer the mountains or lake such and such?
Next time you visit, take a hard look at the culture, the needs of the existing businesses, residents that live there. Where might you fit in? How can you fill a niche? Would it be through employment or self-employment?
Perhaps you can modify your current position to telecommute, at least part time. Consider proposing to work from home two days a week and the office three days. Try just one if that doesn’t work. Use the local time to further investigate your opportunities or explore gradually increasing your telecommuting days to a full time level.
change in a position with your current employer might be possible. I returned to field work from a mid-level management, which allows me to work from home full time, wherever that may be!
Be creative.
If you are serious about moving to a resort area it will likely involve a change of pace. Think long and hard about whether you are ready for this change before making any commitments to a plan. Usually this pace is more palatable than a regular, hum drum, workaday life. But, don’t take this change lightly.
As with any career change (see my previous article: Dare to dream of change in your career) make sure youhave the resources to follow through on your plan, once you develop one. Will you need to work in a different field for a time to use as a stepping stone? Will you have to work two jobs because the cost of living is higher? Consider these in your planning.
Plan carefully and make sure your friends and loved ones are supportive of your plan (or be prepared to make a change in those relationships). Make a reasonable timeline – what will you accomplish by when. It is fine to adjust it as you go, but it is imperative to have one to work from.
When planning goals it is most often easiest to start with the long term goal and then back up to identify each step you need to take to reach it, followed by when you could hope to accomplish each step.
You may be able to make a smooth, gradual transition to your new life in a resort area or you may be able to arrange an all at once jump into your resort town. Either way, enjoy it!
Mary Sherwood Sevinsky writes career transition for the Examiner.com – her blog can be found athttp://www.examiner.com/x-20518-Wilmington-Career-Transition-Examiner. You can find contact her directly at www.marysevinsky.wordpress.com or www.linkedin.com/in/MarySevinsky.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Injured Worker Help Desk: Proof the hidden job market exists

Proof the hidden job market exists

If you are looking for work you, no doubt, have heard of THE HIDDEN JOB MARKET. You may have even heard TOO MUCH of it. I know in working with my clients in Delaware and Maryland, I include the Hidden Job Market in nearly every vocational counseling session. Why? Here is a recent success story that illustrates just WHY THE HIDDEN JOB MARKET IS CRUCIAL TO JOB SEARCH:
I have been working with a career electrician for several months. He came to me following a very serious electrocution that resulted in not only permanent physical injuries, but traumatic brain injury and self confidence issues as well.

Read More

Guest Post

8 Great Careers for Older Workers

by Staff Writer
If you are 55 or older and considering a change of career, we won't waste your time suggesting you look into greeting customers at Walmart or taking drive-thru orders at McDonald's. It may be that you don't want to work but have to, due to the current economic climate or other reasons beyond your control. Or maybe you just aren't ready to retire, want to continue working, and perhaps even transition into a brand new field. Consider the eight careers below if you're looking to try something new. We've included links to reputable resources that provide more information about each of these careers.
  1. Bed-and-Breakfast Owner

    Getting paid to live in and maintain a large, beautiful house in a community separate from the more touristy areas of the country and ...Read More

Guest Post

29 Seriously Inspiring Interviews for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Business ventures build on top of one another like Lego towers — they don’t spring Athena-like from the foreheads of entrepreneurs, no matter what some may claim. Anyone with a strong idea, a lot of luck, and even more hard work can succeed in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. But they need to intently study the victories and mistakes of their predecessors before embarking on any sort of entrepreneurial journey. No matter their background or industry, the following folks have plenty of advice and inspiration to offer while future innovators compile their research.
  1. Muhammad Yunus with the Nobel Foundation, Oct. 13, 2006: This distinguished Nobel Peace Prize recipient pioneered the use of microcredits through the Grameen Bank, which he established in his native Bangladesh in 1983; many for-profit and nonprofit ventures these days utilize the same concept when investing in underprivileged regions. Muhammad Yunus stands as a sterling example of the social entrepreneurship phenomenon...Read More

Injured Worker Help Desk: Why you are not getting interviews

If you have been job searching for a while and are not getting interviews or haven’t in the last few weeks then it might be due to lack of follow up.  This is a crucial step in the job search process and one only you can do to ensure you get interviewed and offered a job!  Double check your cover letter and resume to make sure the contact information is accurate first of all.  If it is, give each a review to see if there is anything that stands out to you that may be impacting how employers view you – remember employers typically only take a few seconds (6 – 15) to decide who to screen out and who to look at more closely.

If your letter and resume look good, it is likely that you are not doing enough follow up!  You should use the job logs provided to organize yourself so that you are calling on each employer applied to the previous week.   You may also have a small batch from prior 2 or 3 weeks that you will want to try to follow up with.   If you keep your jobs chronologically and write notes for yourself where provided it will make the task easier. 

No need to write book, a simple lm 4/12 in the notes area will remind you that you left a message on 4/12.  If you tell an employer or are asked to follow up at a future time, it is a good idea to write a new entry on your current weeks job log so that you do not keep track of it.  For the job leads I give you, you can write on the leads themselves or transfer to a job log, whichever is easier!

Let’s make sure to review your follow up efforts at this week’s meeting – bring your last month’s worth of job logs with you (including the ones I give you).  We’ll review how you are keeping track of your efforts on your own and my job logs to make sure you are approaching this task in a way that will allow you to be successful!   

Here is an article just posted on the www.injuredworkerhelpdesk.com site that may help further!

Injured Worker Help Desk: Why you are not getting interviews: Thousands of job seekers man their computers hour after hour applying for the same jobs everyone else is also applying for.  Applying for jo...

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