Wednesday, May 14, 2014

This client made my day

What a nice note from a recent client!  

"Mary you've made all the difference in my world! You've been invaluable to me, honestly. And you made me look interesting without being JUST a caregiver. I'm overjoyed !!!"

A little background:  This nice lady contacted me a few months ago for help with her resume, but decided to go with another expert.  She emailed me last week for advice as she was not comfortable with the work the other expert did for her.  The "final" resume made her seem more like a hospital administrator than the patient care provider she is.  

When writing a resume you must be accurate - the job seeker will potentially have to answer to or give examples of each statement included.  It is also important to keep a client's essence or personality when developing a resume to avoid it coming off as canned or templated. 

This note made my day.  I hope you have a good one too! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

CAREEREALISM's Happy Grad Project

Thrilled to have my article "What My First Client Taught Me About Career Happiness" on the first day of a month long HAPPY GRAD PROJECT!  If you are a new grad this year or love one make sure to check out the advice, tips, and resources offered through CAREEREALISM - start with my article ensure a great start. Read more

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