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Tuesday, February 2, 2021
What You Need to Build a Home-Based Business — For Starters
There’s always something compelling about the idea of working for yourself — even more so when you can do it anywhere in the world, like from the comforts of your home. Not having to answer to anyone also sounds incredibly liberating, while eliminating the need to be somewhere on a schedule is undoubtedly the height of flexibility. Not only that, but there’s the potential to pursue something that you care about as a livelihood, too.
No doubt, the best way you can achieve all these and more is to start your own business — preferably one that you can run remotely on your own terms. But of course, the execution will probably not be as easy as the idea. In fact, you’ll be looking at a significant investment of your time, money, energy, and hard work, which is probably why there aren’t more people scrambling to start their own home-based businesses.
The key is to break down the process of building a remote business, so you’re not overwhelmed before you’ve even started, thus:
Don’t do everything yourself.
As you start a business, you’ll probably be of the mindset that you need to do it all yourself to make sure that everything runs smoothly and, of course, to save money. However, it likely won’t be long before you find out that BusinessTown is right: this isn’t a good idea. After all, a business is a many-faceted organism that makes use of several different skills, and the fact is, you probably don’t possess all of them.
Case in point: If your strengths lie in the creative, you might end up using up too much of your precious time tackling technical aspects of your business. This can be truly counterproductive, as opposed to just hiring someone who knows their stuff to do it for you. Again, the expenses come to mind, but really, it can prove to be more cost-effective to pay for a professional, rather than wasting time and energy attempting to DIY when you’re better off spending those on creative pursuits, networking, and/or revenue-generating tasks.
Also, remember that there are many different business structures that can accommodate your company’s needs. Small businesses can choose to be sole proprietorships or partnerships, but if you’re planning on earning sizable amounts of money or expanding your business down the line, then a Delaware LLC or S-Corp can protect your personal assets. If you’re unsure which type of business to establish, then it’s also a good idea to consult with professionals who can advise you on the pros and cons of each business formation.
Invest in tech tools that get things done.
With a solid team in place, set up your business to run as seamlessly as possible. Fully manual labor is pretty much a thing of the past, now that there’s an app or software that can make a variety of tasks faster and easier to do — and, in many ways, more accurately, securely, and safely at that. It’s a good idea, therefore, to invest in the tools that your business specifically needs for efficiency.
Fundamentally, when you manage a remote team, you’ll find that effective collaboration is crucial. For this reason, you’ll also want to leverage collaborative tools like Slack to communicate and manage workflows effectively. Communication is king, after all, so also explore methods like creating a company-wide newsfeed or project- and/or team-specific channels for more efficient and standardized information dissemination — essentially, for the left arm to know what the right one is doing
Armed with a solid business plan and adequate knowledge, it is, indeed, possible to hit the ground running as you launch your remote business. And with the right support, tools, and resources, you may even find that being your own boss is exactly as flexible and rewarding as promised.
Photo via
Monday, February 1, 2021
11 Ways to Make Working from Home Your New Normal
When you’re used to
going into the office each day for your job, working from home can feel
stressful, isolating, and nearly impossible. The good news is that though we
can expect remote work to stay awhile (if not forever), there are ways to make
things easier. Here’s how to stop coping and start thriving by making your
work-at-home situation feel more normal.
Start a New Routine
You may no longer have a
commute, but a routine can be a healthy way to transition to your new normal.
Try these techniques for maintaining your sanity—and schedule—at home.
· Create a schedule based on your previous habits.
· Take breaks—the right way.
· Set boundaries for work versus life.
Create a Productive Workspace
Setting up your work
area is an essential step toward productive and enjoyable work. Try these tips
to establish a space that works for you.
Ensure your internet
connection is up to the task of telecommuting.
Design a dedicated workspace
(instead of camping out on the couch).
Keep ergonomics
in mind when choosing equipment or furniture.
Factor in productivity
and establish a distraction-free area.
Find Ways to Reach Out
Now that you’re working
solo at home, water cooler chat is a thing of the past. But that doesn’t mean
you can’t connect with others outside the office.
Engage in team-building
efforts each day.
Find ways to collaborate remotely.
Consider finding a mentor
to support your work at home goals.
Get professional
help from Life-Works if you experience work injuries or discomfort.
There are both significant
benefits and extreme challenges involved when you’re adapting to work at home.
Fortunately, there’s no shortage of resources to help you navigate the
difficulties—and embrace the positive elements. Get started with this list, and
you’ll feel better—and become more productive—working from home in no time.
Photo via Rawpixel
Monday, March 30, 2020
Crisis Management: Looking for Work
Change can be both exciting and scary - something to look forward to or dread. How you view it makes all the difference in the world.
If you have lost your job and are looking for work you may find yourself feeling forced to make a career change. Typically this is not met with a positive attitude. You likely loved your job, did it well, and planned to continue performing as long as you could. It was known and comfortable.
When you are forced to make a change, it may be difficult to find the proverbial silver lining. That having been said, there are some positive things that may come from changing careers (forced or otherwise!)
1. This may be the first time you have been able to consider what YOU would LIKE TO DO. Chances are you got your first job by chance, maybe through a relative or friend. You may have changed employers or jobs as other opportunities presented themselves. But in all likelihood, you didn't plan your current career path. Now you can take the time to consider an plan a new path - you never know, you may find another job or career that you will like just as well.
2. Making one change often prompts you to examine other aspects of your life. What other things have you not really given thought to? Paid attention to? Ignored? This might be an opportunity to improve other parts of yourself or life as well.
3. Making a change can keep your mind alert. Often, when you do the same things the same ways, your mind fills in the blanks easily. Your mind isn't challenged and pushed to perform at its best. Neither are you! Try to think about different things or the same things differently.
4. Change can rejuvenate your relationships. If you have been looking for work for what seems an eternity your relationships may be suffering for it. Think about those around you - loved ones and close friends. How can you change your interactions for the better?
5. Ask yourself how you deal with change. Is your approach helping or hurting? How can you modify your approach to benefit yourself and those around you?
6. Understanding that you control how you handle change can really help you deal with it. Try to focus on the things you can control and face the change before you with a positive mindset if you want to make the most of it.
How do you handle change?
I'd love to hear from you! Comment below...
Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCM
Professional, Rehab, &; Occupational Services, LLC
Landline 302.644.1827 | Mobile: 410.444.1989 | Skype Mary E. Sherwood
Let me know how you are doing or how I can help!
Comment below or reach out.
Other articles that may be of interest:
Job Seach Tip Read Something in Your Industry.wmv
This can really give you an edge over another candidate, even if you are making a lateral change. can make you feel connected and confident - something you miss when you aren't working or facing a career change.
Job Search for the Rest of Us!: map out your ideal work day
Whether you Considering a career change or looking to change employment, your first step should be to think about how you want your workday to be. As adults, we spend at least a third of our day working. Get few of us give ...
Friday, March 27, 2020
Job Search Tip: map out your ideal day
Most often, myself included, we have just kind of "lucked into" this or that job or career. What's more, once in a position, we often count ourselves lucky to be among the employed. We don't have it so bad...
If you are reading this it is likely that you are at least wondering what else might be out there. If you are unemployed you might be tempted to disregard this article entirely. DON'T.
You will be far more successful in your job search if you know what you want and are eager to pursue it. Without a focus of some sort, you will be more likely to miss out on opportunities for pursuing what could be your dream job.
Stop what you are doing now and jot a few notes about what you would like your workday to be like. Would you prefer to work:
Days or nights
In an office or at home
For a large corporations or a small business
Alone or as part of a team
On the phone or in the field
With people things or information
Getting your hands dirty or dressing up every day
At a predetermined rate or sky's the limit commission
In a position of responsibility or following directions
These are just a few of the questions you can ask yourself to begin planning a satisfying career. Not down even more ideas as you come across jobs that pique your interest. Once you have a focus don't be afraid to look beyond what you are currently searching for and assess what opportunities make sense given where you want to go.
It's your journey. Why not make the most of it?
I'd love to hear from you... comment below
Read another great article: Suggested Job Search Schedule
Monday, March 23, 2020
10 Tips for Job Searching during the Coronavirus - it's NOT impossible!
6. Consider working in one of the COVID 19 in-demand jobs related to the food, medical, or drug industries.
7. Take aptitude/interest tests online to open up ideas for different jobs you could consider than the ones you are currently looking for.
General Mind/Brain:
Keyboarding: OR
Microsoft Office: OR http://office.mi`
Another article on making career changes:
Good luck!
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